The ins and outs of Customer loyalty?

The reasons for client faithfulness vary across different customer segments and can alter over time. Customers who return again and again are influenced by motivators including value, price, experience, quality and convenience. So, what makes customers loyal to brands?

Here are the main motivators affecting customers.


Price isn’t necessarily the ultimate winner. You can always be beaten on price, or you may have to compete and take a hit to quality or revenue. Your goal should be to ensure affordability and added value.


Consider the benefit of your service. Is it important or useful to your customers? Does it fill a need, solve a problem or supply entertainment? How does it compare to the competition?


Quality is linked to value. How is your product or service perceived by customers? Are you matching or exceeding their expectations? Do you satisfy a want or provide a fun experience? Make online purchases pleasant for your customers. For example, if individuals buy pieces of clothing like Farah Shirts from online retailers such as  and like the quality, they will most likely return and buy again from your brand.


Both good and bad customer experiences are remembered; this plays a large role in repeat purchases. Altering someone’s mind after a poor experience is difficult but not impossible.


Everybody is busy. Sometimes we sim ply opt for the easiest choice that saves the headache of shopping around. Whether you are buying online or going around the corner, the most convenient option wins out.


If your service or product summons up fond memories in a customer, there is a good chance that they will buy again. For example, customers will prize places and products linked with family traditions.


Social impact plays a big role in consumer ratings; consumers want a brand to give back to the community or demonstrate shared beliefs. We are generally more loyal to firms that have similar values to us and do good by others.

Social influence, meanwhile, is when our behaviour is impacted by people around us; we buy what our friends buy. Marketers capitalise on this by offering refer-a-friend promotions and loyalty programmes.


Many different factors influence customers, and deepening the reach of these motivators makes for increased loyalty. Caring about your customers’ experiences is a start to keep them coming back.
