4 ways how women mentoring women can change the world

One of the most difficult battles is believing that you are always in competition with other women. Due to social pressure and personal fears, it can be complicated to convince oneself that other women’s successes are NOT your failures. I am well aware that I frequently struggle with this. It can be challenging to break bad habits. We can change course of history if women reconsider how they treat one another. We would not only be inspiring young women everywhere, but we would also change how the world perceives women in general with the help of a mentoring platform.

For long-term development, any progressive country should prioritise issues such as gender equality and women’s economic empowerment. Achieving women’s economic empowerment is critical to addressing challenges such as gender inequality, and poverty, and promoting inclusive economic growth. According to polls, increased female earnings significantly impact a country’s overall economic growth by improving family health and children’s education. According to statistics, women’s waged labour share increased from 42 per cent to 46 per cent between 1997 and 2007.

Why is Women’s Economic Empowerment Important?

Gender discrimination remains a crippling social problem in many parts of the world, and subaltern women are disproportionately affected by poverty, discrimination, and other forms of vulnerable exploitation. Unfortunately, women are known to contribute significantly to the economy through their efforts in business, entrepreneurship, or unpaid labour. This is true even though women in some parts of developed countries play significant decision-making and influence roles.

Any developing country would agree that gender inclusion measures are critical to social advancement and economic prosperity, and that sustained economic growth is impossible without women’s empowerment. Because working women contribute significantly to education, health, and wellness, achieving gender equality is critical for overall progress.

  1. Strategies for Women’s Empowerment for Sustainable Development

As concerns about women’s economic empowerment and gender equality gain traction on the international stage, nations all over world are taking extraordinary steps to close the gender gap and advance economic equality. Consider the following strategies for achieving women’s economic empowerment for sustainable development if you want to join the movement.

2. More Female Job Opportunities:

Despite making significant contributions to social and economic progress, women do not have equal career opportunities. Equal rights programmes with the help of a mentoring platform can significantly contribute to the advancement of just employment practices and public policies that promote progress and growth.

3. Financial and emotional support for women’s business ideas with the help of a mentoring platform:

Putting women in charge of their businesses has proven to be an effective strategy for addressing gender disparities. The government can launch programs with the help of a mentoring platform to teach women business skills for them to get better jobs. Looking at global trends, we can see that many developing countries invest a portion of their annual earnings in the advancement of women. The unfair pay gap in the socioeconomic landscape can be eliminated by investing in women’s education and providing them with access to business opportunities, which will encourage women to participate more actively in the supply chain.

4. Taking Proactive Measures to Combat Unpaid Labor:

Unpaid work performed by women is the most serious source of gender inequality. Numerous oppressed groups, such as rural women and domestic workers, frequently lack economic independence, and society frequently disregards their contributions. With empowerment programs to increase women’s salaries, resources can be effectively managed to end the problem. Unpaid labour is becoming more of a problem in many developing countries, particularly among rural and unskilled workers. Women can be encouraged to explore and use their potential by addressing motivators and protecting them from abuse in the home, community, and other settings.

Fancy regulations will not eliminate gender pay disparities or a lack of employment opportunities for women. Gender-sensitive economic policies should be implemented to address the problem at its root. Mentoring programs or mentoring platforms should take a more holistic approach, addressing both the personal and professional sides of women’s entrepreneurial goals and advancing them as leaders. Income-generating abilities do not always result in developing empowering personalities, and empowerment programmes may include effective mentorship programmes or mentoring platforms to meet rising fiduciary expectations.


Women’s empowerment programmes or mentoring platforms significantly invest in women’s welfare and empowerment, empowering them to reject gender stereotypes and go beyond their traditional roles. The suggestions above are just a few of the many ways to achieve financial empowerment for women. To keep up with shifting global trends and achieve sustainable development goals, it is necessary to break down barriers and investigate alternative programs with the help of a mentoring platform for supporting equal opportunities for women and fostering financial inclusion.
