Treatment of Heroin Addiction

Heroin was created due to chemist experiments combining morphine and other chemicals. Unfortunately, due to how powerful it is, many misuses resulted after that leading to a widespread drug abuse problem. Soon, the drug was made illicit and has been so since 1924. Unfortunately, despite being illegal, people still abuse it, leading to addiction.

Signs that One May be Dealing with Heroine Addiction

In most cases, Heroin use starts as a legal prescription for pain. However, users desire more due to the high potency hence the addiction. Unfortunately, it has negative effects on the brain. Since it is more affordable and easy to access, the abuse of heroin has reached epidemic levels in the US.

Using these drugs, just like opioids, leads to an influx of feed good feelings in one’s brain. This can lead to emotional turmoil in the long run when used continuously. Unfortunately, dependency increased with further use and continued use. Common signs that one may be using this drug include:

  • Constricted pupils
  • Small red dots on the arms and feet from injecting
  • A sudden drop in weight
  • Persists in using drugs despite adverse effects
  • Shifts in personality
  • Changes in habits
  • Difficulty remembering things
  • Shady behaviors, such as constant lying

Treatment Options

Most addicts shy away from seeking treatment for fear of being victimized. The idea of dealing with withdrawal effects is also discouraging for most. However, if treated in a reliable facility, one will likely get the right help. The detoxification stage can be well managed by medical professionals who offer the support and assistance an addict needs.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Treating heroin is not an easy thing. Professionals have to be involved because of the severe withdrawal effects that are linked to it. Most people are likely to relapse if left on their own. Common withdrawal effects include:

  • Jitters
  • Chills
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Bone and muscle pain
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Cold flashes
  • Leg movements that you can’t control

Besides that, there is the long term effect that comes with continued use of heroin. These are even more dangerous as the final result is death. Long term effects of heroin use include:

  • Collapsed veins
  • Insomnia
  • Infections of your heart lining and valves
  • A risks of contracting HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, and hepatitis
  • Skin infections like abscesses and cellulitis
  • Liver and kidney disease
  • Mental disorders
  • Lung diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis
  • Menstrual problems and miscarriage

Immediate intervention is needed once the addiction is discovered. This can stop a lot of negative implications.

Unfortunately, heroin is not one of the easiest drugs to recover from. However, it is not impossible to choose differently. Heroin and opioid dependence can be a menace. However, with the support of a qualified team, a heroin addict can turn their life around. It may be difficult initially, but nothing is impossible with the right support system at a rehab center that cares for and appreciates your choice.
