Occupations that can lead you to Australian PR

Studying in Australia can bring you a lot of opportunities but choosing a career line wisely is very important. Australia offers thousands of different courses belonging to hundreds of occupations. To choose from a variety of these courses can prove to be a confusing and difficult task. If in this confusion one chooses an occupation that does not have good prospects in the future his or her whole career can be on stake. Here in this article, we will have a thorough discussion about the career choices that seem to have brighter prospects in Australia.

The Migration

The Migration is an Australian registered organization that is working under the constitutional norms of Australia. Our mission at The Migration is to provide you with the best and authentic visa advice. The thing that sets us apart from other visa consultancy companies is that we only provide our customers with legal and genuine advice. Our team of MARA certified migration agents in Australia can help you with all your visa related problems. So if you are worried about your career options in Australia ask our migration agent who can help you anytime.

Why should you study in Australia?

Australia is considered to be one of the most favorite destinations in the world for international students. There are many factors behind these facts. Some of them are listed as under:

  • Australia offers thousands of different courses in various subjects. That gives a student many choices to choose from
  • It is famous for providing high-quality educations. So students from all around the world wish to come to Australia for better quality education
  • Australian government offers many grants and scholarships for international students. This attracts a large some of the international students to Australia to seek higher education
  • The Australian population originates from 200 different origins that make its population highly diverse. This diversity cre+ates a high tolerance in Australian people for different cultures and makes Australia a very friendly place to live.

Want to know more about study opportunities in Australia contact our migration agent Melbourne.

What visa do you need to study in Australia?

For studying in Australia one must need to acquire a student visa subclass 500.

Student visa subclass 500

This visa allows a person to come to Australia and study the course in which he or she is enrolled in. the holder of this visa can stay in Australia until the completion of the course.

What can you do with this visa?

  • Come and study in Australia
  • Travel to and from Australia anytime you like
  • Work up to 20 hr. in 15 days

What are the top occupations that can lead you to Australian PR?

Choosing a career option wisely can prove to be very fruitful. The following are the professions that are very famous in Australia.

1. Nursing

Nursing is a respectable profession all over the world. Taking care of sick people can earn you love and respect in society along with a good livelihood. Australian nursing program is popular around the globe. So choosing nursing as a career can prove to be a very good choice for your future. Many Australian institutes offer diplomas, bachelor’s degree and master’s degrees in nursing. All of these courses are designed on international nursing standards. International students are especially encouraged to study nursing because Australian health care facilities are always in the need for skilled nurses. So if you are thinking to become a registered nurse Australia is the right place for you

2. Information Technology

Information Technology is an emerging field in the world and Australia is especially stressing to be at the front of the information technology scene. Australian institutions offer some of the best world-renowned courses in the field of information technology. Moreover, the ever-growing IT industry of Australia always needs IT professionals, this creates a lot of work-related opportunities in this field. Also, there are many new IT-related opportunities in regional areas of Australia, as Australia is giving special attention to the development of these areas.

3. Accounting

Accounting is another profession that is in high demand in Australia. This occupation has a growth rate of almost three times as compared to the other occupations in Australia. Professional year program is offered in the field of accounting that gives an international graduate from Australia a real workplace experience in this field. Many courses are also offered at various institutes in Australia that are well-known in the world. So if you are an accountant or want to choose to account as your career option then Australia is the place with lots of opportunities for you.

4. Education

Education is the profession loved and respected by everyone around the globe. Australia runs a well-developed education system that attracts both local and international students. It also contributes $20 billion to the country’s economy. The education sector mainly consists of teachers on primary, secondary and higher levels and also the administrative and support staff. So there are many opportunities for the people who want to start their career in the field of education. As the Australian education industry is not just limited to Australia only but is spread worldwide so it needs professionally related to it constantly. Choosing education as your career option can be very fruitful for you.

5. Engineering 

Engineering is a profession that is in demand all over the world. For Australia, it is also a profession in high demand. A professional year program is offered in this field that gives international students a chance to experience the actual engineering workspaces. Many courses are offered in different fields of engineering and many visas are also offered by the Australian government to help the engineering students to come and study in Australia and also to work after that in Australia.

Want to know more about professions that have prospects in Australia? Our best migration agent in Sydneycan help you.

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