How Pizza is healthy for you? Check Nutrition Tips

There is hardly anyone who doesn’t love Pizza. Even the pickiest of eaters says that astonishing ingredients of Pizza such as delicious crust, salty cheesy layers, and sweet tomato sauce are sufficient enough to mark it as the favourite food ever. However, there are some people who call it an unhealthy dish because of the presence of high calories and carbs. Well, this is not always true. In this article, we are explaining some of the amazing pizza types that can provide you a healthier yet tastiest alternative.

Before we move on, let me tell you the tastiest and healthy option which is my personal favourite and that is Gluten-free deep dish Pizza. If you guys have never tried this, then you probably missed a lot in your life (especially for foodies). So, scroll down and check how nutritional your pizza is.

Nutritional Breakdown

Depending on the type of pizza, the ingredients and their nutritional composition may vary. However, a few types may be loaded with unhealthy substances.

Frozen Pizza

Often a food regimen staple of college students and busy families, frozen pizzas are famous meal selections for lots of human beings.

If we left some then there are many pizzas that contains high amount of calories and added sugar.

They’re commonly noticeably processed and include synthetic preservatives, added sugar and dangerous fats.

For example, one serving (1/4 pizza) of Red Baron Classic Crust Pepperoni frozen pizza consists of:

Calories: 380

Fat: 18 grams

Carbs: 39 grams

Sugar: 8 grams

Sodium: 810 mg — 34% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)

Choosing toppings like sausage, salty cheese and different excessive-calorie objects can increase the calorie content material, whilst French bread type and crammed crust types can pile on even greater.

Freshly Made Pizzeria Pizza

Like frozen pizzas, pizzeria-made pizza can range in substances and practise methods.

Though the vitamins content material of pizzeria pizza isn’t continually listed, a few pizzeria chains do make vitamins statistics to be available to consumers.

Freshly made pizzas frequently include more healthy substances than the greater processed ones offered in convenient shops and fast-food eating places.

Most pizzerias make their dough from scratch using easy substances like olive oil and wheat flour.

Well there are many top-rated restaurants that make use of fresh cheese and perfectly prepared sauces. There is no extra sugar and instead they use different healthy toppings.

However, it doesn’t even matter whether you are selecting frozen or fresh pizza, piling on more toppings could make it dangerous for your health, so make sure to check what you are eating especially when ordering food in a restaurant. Opting for deep dish pizza crust is always a healthy option.

Fast-Food Pizza

Pizza offered in fast-food places and convenient shops is a few of the unhealthiest of selections.

It has a tendency to be very high in calories, dangerous fats, carbs and sodium.

One massive slice (167 grams) of Pizza Hut Pepperoni Lovers Pizza gives:

  • Calories: 460
  • Fat: 26 grams
  • Carbs: 37 grams
  • Sugar: 1 gram
  • Sodium: 900 mg — 38% of the RDI

Plus, fast-food pizzas normally include more substances than freshly made ones, which includes monosodium glutamate (MSG), synthetic colorations and excessive-fructose corn syrup — all of which may also negatively affect your fitness.

They’re additionally frequently filled with sodium, making them a bad preference for folks that are salt-sensitive.


Many varieties of pizza, especially frozen and fast-food types, have a tendency to be excessive in calories, fats and sodium. More processed types may also include dangerous substances, along with colorations, brought sugar and preservatives.

Is Pizza a Healthy Alternative?

Although some varieties of pizza are unhealthy, you can opt for other less processed types that are highly nutritious. One such example is gluten-free deep dish pizza.

Can Contain Unhealthy Ingredients

Like all meals, greater processed varieties of pizza are frequently filled with unhealthy substances than the ones crafted from scratch.

Frozen and fast-food pizzas can include substances like preservatives, colorations and dangerous fats.

However, all pizzas, regardless of how they’re organized, are commonly made using subtle wheat flour.

This kind of flour is low in fiber and, therefore, much less filling than complete-grain flours.

Eating subtle grain products— along with ready-made food like pizza — has been connected to weight benefit.

A survey in 1,352 human beings observed that folks who ate over 70 grams of ready-made products like pizza every day had been much more likely to have more stomach fats than folks that ate up under 70 grams in keeping with the day.

Some pizzas may contain high calories and carbs

Most varieties of pizzas are excessive in calories and sodium, as they’re normally crowned with cheese, salty meats and different excessive-calorie toppings.

Plus, a few pizzas include added sugar in the crust, few toppings and sauces.

In fact, one serving (1/4 pizza) of Red Baron Barbecue Chicken pizza consists of a whopping 21 grams (four teaspoons) of sugar.

Regular intake of subtle meals rich in sugar has been proven to increase your chance of persistent situations like weight problems and coronary heart disease.

Though sometimes taking a slice of fast-food or frozen pizza most probably won’t affect your weight, ingesting those objects often can cause weight benefit and might increase your chance of persistent fitness situations.

Some Recipes Can Be Healthy

While many varieties of pizza are excessive in energy, fats and sodium, the ones made with clean, complete substances may be a great preference.

Traditional type of pizza is a fantastically easy meal, made with flour, yeast, water, salt, oil, tomato sauce and clean cheese.

Pizza crafted from scratch by using limited substances may be pretty healthful.

When making homemade pizza, the nutrient content material may be boosted by means of including nutrient-dense toppings like greens or protein products like grilled chicken.

Many pizza chains provide complete-wheat and gluten-free crusts, in addition to healthy topping selections, along with clean greens or herbs.


Though many varieties of pizza are excessive in calories, sodium and carbs, the ones organized at home or in a pizzeria may be made more healthy via means of including nutrient-dense toppings or selecting complete-grain crusts.
