How can you have a successful partner visa?

People moving worldwide means the partner visa practice is rising. The agency works with many clients to bring them closer to their loved ones. A partner visa application can be a milestone in a relationship. It can be complicated not only because there are many documents you need to provide but it has one of the highest government charges. Relationships come in sizes and shapes, and it is not a one-size-fits-all for partner visas. There are arranged marriages to long-distance relationships that approach application. It will show a relationship is accurate and meets the visa grant criteria. But from experience, there are common themes with partner visa applications. You must know the tips to have a successful partner visa application.
Ensure you satisfy the visa criteria.
When you apply for a partner visa, it is not showing both parties are in a relationship. You must check the ties meet the visa criteria before passing an application. When you are unmarried and like to apply for a partner visa, you must show that you have been in a de-facto relationship for at least 12 months. You must show that you meet the criteria, like sharing your financial affairs. When you apply, and it turns out that you are not applicable, you risk losing your application fee. Refund is only available when your partner’s visa is refused; only some applicants have review rights.
Arrange your supporting documents.
Organizing your supporting documents before lodging your application is essential. It will help you to know whether you satisfy all the visa criteria. The backing papers given must have evidence that your relationship is genuine, and it shows the duration of your relationship. The case officer will seek evidence that you meet every partner’s criteria. It is insufficient to give evidence of your shared finances, social photos, and commitment to each other. Supporting statements from your family and friends are essential to show that your relationship is genuine. When you are still determining which documents you will prepare, you can ask help from the 801 visa agent to help you process the documents.
Respond to requests from the Department of Home Affairs.
Many couples have approached that are clearly in a committed relationship. They are married and have been living together for several years. They refused a visa because they failed to respond to the Department’s requests for more information. The Department will write you some extra information to support your application during the process. Secure that your contact details are updated. When you get such a request, you must respond within the timeframe. When you fail to answer, it can affect your application.
Don’t give false information.
Showing all the information in your application is necessary to establish your relationship is valid. You must check every detail of your application form is correct before you submit your application. Printing the application form before submitting it is helpful to show it is error-free.
Every relationship is different, and the application has its requirements to show. When you know, you need more information with your application, you must get help from an agency to do an assessment. They will be the ones to check your documentation and handle the visa process.