Fake Tans and Body Scrubs: First Timers Simple Guide

You feel like you are so pale and that there is no excitement in your life, especially when it comes to your skin tone. And so you have heard of those tan and body scrubs that people are using. After looking around and researching, you decide you want to try it out as well.

Here are some of the things you first have to know about to be able to prepare yourself for an easy-peasy fake tan and body scrub.

  • Keep yourself make-up free. You need to lay bare if you want certain areas to be tanned. Do not forget to take out the deodorant (if you are wearing one) as well, it can act as a barrier.
  • Keep your underwear but leave out everything, including jewelry and accessories. A thing might be recommended to keep yourself from getting blank spots.
  • Disposable pants are a lifesaver to wear when you are at home. Not to mention a hairnet or turban to protect your hair (but keep your ears sticking out). And sticky feet? It prevents the tan to get to your soles.
  • Make sure you know what are the requirements for the tan. You may be going on a long holiday, or perhaps an event the next day, even if you are aiming for a certain celebrity’s look. Know what you want.
  • Follow the instructions that are written or given to you. It makes things much easier and you will know if the procedure you are doing is right and safe.
  • The product or therapist may have “secret” techniques as to how the tan sticks.
  • Time to get dressed after success! But be sure to wear loose, dark clothing; nothing that will rub the tan off.
  • There could be a difference at first between the finished product and the live product. But do not worry. As time goes along, everything will be just as good.
  • Remember to place some perfume or cologne on your clothes if you do not want to smell a bit funky.
  • If it is your first time to get a tan in this manner it could be best to stay at home first to avoid anxiety.
  • For those with “express” formulas, you can shower 6-8 hours later.
  • But that is not the mandatory time, if you want to leave it a little bit longer all you have to do is worry about your sheets, pillows, and whatever else is white at your home.

If you are really going to push through with the idea, then there is no harm in trying to use fake tan and body sprays. As long as you do not have any allergies, then you are good to go. So look out for fake tan & body scrubs online, they help you keep yourself colourful without the hassle of sunbathing for a long time.
