The Different Classification of Data Structures

Data Structures in Data structures and algorithm are the most important piece of a lot of computer science algorithmic programs as they allow the programmers to manage the data in a well-organized mode. It has a very important role to play so as to enhance the functioning of a program or software since the key role of the computer software is to store as well as get back the user’s data as quick as possible.

Classification of data structure

Linear data structures

A data structure is referred to as linear in data structures and algorithms if all of its components are arranged in a linear mode. The elements of linear data structures are stored in a non-hierarchical manner, with all elements having predecessors and successors except for the first and last.

The different kinds of linear data structures are as below:

  1. Arrays

Each data item in an array is referred to as an element and is comprised of other data items of a similar type. Any valid data type, including character, integer, float, and double, may be used as the element’s data type.

The array’s elements all have the same variable name, but they each have a unique index number and are called as subscript. One, two, or many dimension arrays are possible.

  • Linked List

A list is maintained in memory using a linked list, a linear data structure containing data structures and algorithm. It can be thought of as a group of nodes kept in different parts of memory. A pointer to the node next to it is present in each node of the list.

  • Stack

Stack is a linear list whose additions and deletions are only permitted at the top end. A stack is an abstract data type (ADT), and most computer languages support its implementation. It is called a stack because it functions like a stack in the real world, for instance a deck of cards.

  • Queue

A queue is a linear list where items can only be added at one end, known as the rear, as well as deleted merely at the other end, known as the front. Like stack, it is an abstract data structure. FIFO (First-In-First-Out) methodology is used since the queue is open at both ends while storing the data items.

Non Linear data structures

Each item or element in this non-linear data structure made up of data structures and algorithms is connected to 2 or more than 2 other items in a non-linear system. There is no sequential arrangement of the data pieces in non linear data structures.

The different kinds of non linear data structures are as below:


Trees are multi-level data structures seen in Data structures and algorithm that have a hierarchical relationship among their constituents and are known as nodes. In a hierarchy, the top node is known as the root node, and the bottom nodes are known as leaf nodes. Each node has a pointer to another node that is adjacent.

The parent-child relationship between the nodes is the foundation of the tree data structure used in data structures and algorithms. With the exception of the leaf nodes, every node in the tree can have several children, whereas every node can only have one parent, excluding the root node. There are numerous categories in which trees can be divided.


Graphs are a visual depiction of a collection of components (which is symbolized by vertices) linked together by edges. The difference between graph as well as tree is that a graph can have cycles, whereas a tree cannot.
