Market Car Insurance to Clients

One of the factors that determines how successful car insurance agent or company is the ability to market effectively their clients. Without proper marketing, revenue can’t be maximized which in turns leads to poor returns on investment. This article will focus on various ways to market loya auto insurance to client.
Various Ways Where Marketing Was Successful
Marketing car insurance can be done in many ways but the focuses of this article are as follows:
- Marketing online.
- Marketing done on media
- Basic level marketing.
Marketing Car Insurance Online
Marketing car insurance online these days is the best way of generating the fastest leads and enhanced returns for companies. The steps that are stressed in this article have been used to generate millions of dollars by agents and many others car insurance companies. These steps must be learnt if you want to generate leads and make millions in car insurance industries. If you are a car insurance broker, firm or agents and you are not present in the web, you don’t have access to where the real money is located and if you don’t have access, you don’t have influence over these millions that are been made in insurance world today.
Tools to Use to Market Car Insurance Successfully Online
These tools are needed to be set up in other to have a successful online car insurance marketing:
- A website or Blog for email capture.
- Domain Name
Social networking sites such as,,, and These social networking sites were chosen because they rank very well in many countries of the world and the interaction rate is very high.
- Article marketing platform such as, Mag press,,,, and host of other article submission sites.
- Feeder sites which can be other blogging network like,,, and
- Cost Per View Networks set up
- Pay per Click Campaign setup
- Contest and Sweepstakes
- Traffic from Affiliates
- High traffic sites like,, and others.
These Steps Should Be Taken When Marketing Car Insurance Online
Step 1:
Choosing Your Websites or Blogging Platform: Any of these two can be used but we recommend word press blog. The reason I recommend word press is that it’s has built in ping that sends signals to various search engines to come and index your sites and it allow comments which search engine love. Search engines see comments on blogs as new contents and this helps improves ranking.
Step 2:
Choosing Your Domain Name: For car insurance company, use the company’s name as domain name while for car insurance agents, use attention grabbing keywords in your domain name. Such as “cheapest”, “free”, “lowest”, “only4…” and other words that draws someone’s attentions. This is mainly for lead generation.
Secondly, Use highly recognized domain like dot com, net, org and info. If your market is targeted to residents of a particular country, use the domain extension applicable to the country only. For instance, when targeting United Kingdom car owners, use dot type of domain.
Third, try as much as possible to be specific in your domain name and avoid excessive use of dash in your domain name.
Finally, avoid unrelated keywords and phrase in your domain name. The unrelated keywords are those keywords that people do not search when they are searching terms in car insurance market.
Step 3:
Register your domain name with hosting company of your choice.
Step 4:
Set up email capture page and few follow up emails that people will receive when the fill in their email in your website. Also write a free report or e-book of any topic relating to car insurance to give away when people submit their email address on your website. Make sure that the topic of the free report is the solution to the problem majority of people seekingunique car insurance or car owners have. After this, start to add contents to your blog or website. Add only contents related to solutions to car insurance problems and after that include your link.
Step 5:
Always respond to people that just subscribe to you by presenting them with your car insurance offers and go for call to action such as “BUY IT NOW”, “CHECK OUT THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE”.