Get Installments For Your Monthly Bills With Deferit!
Paying monthly bills can become a hassle, especially when they come one right after the other and start to pile up. At this point, getting some help from can greatly benefit your financial planning and help you save. Deferit makes it easy to pay bills on time and prevent any late fees by paying the bills for you consistently. Then, you have the time to pay back the bills using an instalment basis.
Made For Any Bills You May Have
Deferit is an easy-to-use application that can pay every bill you could possibly have. You can place bills like electricity, school, health, phone, water, and gas bills right in the application for records. Once the bills are set in the application with the required information, like when they are due each month, Deferit takes care of the rest with automatic payments. This makes for a hassle-free experience. We keep track of bill deadlines for you so you can focus more on planning your finances and making sure you start to grow your savings account for your future stability and security.
The Process Only Takes Four Steps
Unlike most bill payment schemes, Deferit makes it easy to set up instalment plans for the bills we pay on your behalf. The first step is to simply upload the bill you want to be paid. Then Deferit will make the payment for you, and after you have the chance to pay back the bill in four instalments. All this can be done right from your mobile phone through an application. Create an account, and everything will be a breeze to handle from there.
Empower Your Financial Well-being
The best thing about Deferit is that we are completely committed to helping people achieve their financial goals so they can live the life they want. You have full control of the bills and payments made, and there are no hidden costs to come up and surprise you. You can also benefit from the fact that we do not charge late fees for the monthly fees.
Stop Wasting Your Money
Dealing with late fees when it comes to monthly bills eventually add up to thousands of dollars. All this can be avoided by availing of the services that Deferit provides. Never miss a due date again and have the flexibility to repay bills at your convenience. You no longer have to scrimp on cash every month just to scrape by to the billing cycle. Give yourself some breathing room and start using the Deferit budgeting tool. You will defiantly appreciate the fact that you save tons of cash instead of using it to pay late fees that can be extremely high for certain bills like cars and loans.