Keeping Your Memories Close to Heart with BABYink

Once you become a parent, you’ll realize that it’s the most demanding but fulfilling job in the world. It’s a challenge you will take once you decide to create a family. But with every hardship you encounter, there is laughter and joy. Your child is the greatest treasure of them all, and it’s only natural that you want to create a memento of your memories while they’re still infants. And if you’re searching for simple baby keepsakes, you may want to try BABYink’s Inkless Print Kit. It’s a new way of keeping your most cherished memories forever.

Inkless Print Kits by BABYink allows you to capture the little hands and feet of your baby. But don’t worry because these aren’t toxic! They are inkless, which means your baby won’t be exposed to dangerous substances. Furthermore, it’s a great project that you and your baby can get into during your playtime. Let’s learn more about this product here.

A Simple Remembrance of Your Baby

Babies are cute, cuddly, and very innocent. If only they could stay as babies forever, most parents would probably want that. However, they grow and become independent adults that we need to mould into respectable and loving people. But there are many ways to capture your memories of them as babies forever. Aside from videos and photographs, you can try BABYink’s Inkless Print Kit. It’s an excellent way for you to keep them close to your heart. You can capture their cute little hands, fingers, toes, and feet on a print kit. The best part is it’s simple and easy to use!

No Mess

Since BABYink’s Print Kit is inkless, that means you won’t have to worry about any mess. Some may think that when it comes to projects like these, you need to put ink or paint on their hands or feet to create the impression of their hands or feet. However, BABYink created an inkless print kit, which allows you to capture their hands or foot without the mess. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about them being exposed to unsafe chemicals or cleaning up a messy station. The special combination of the wipe and the paper that comes with the product will make it easier for you!

Safe for Babies from Birth

BABYink’s Inkless Print Kit is the safest print kit for parents who want to capture their babies’ hands and feet from birth. So it means that these are 100% safe and non-toxic. Let’s say you want to know the size of their hands and feet every month until they reach five years old. It’s entirely possible since these are certified non-toxic. It’s an award-winning kit that lets you get a simple yet wonderful keepsake of your babies. Apart from that, you will enjoy using it all the time.
