10 Actionable Tips To Grow Your Medical Spa Business

Medical spas are rapidly moving from being a trend to being a staple within the beauty and wellness industry, and as a result there is always intense competition. As a result, as a med spa owner or a manager it becomes your responsibility to manage things efficiently and ensure that your coffers are never dry. A slight error and your business risks losing clients and reputation, leading to major financial setback. On the other hand, a well-crafted plan which is executed to perfection can give you highly satisfied clients and substantial financial gains. In this blog, we help you decipher the easily actionable points that will lead to sizeable growth in your medical spa business.

Cherry Pick Your Offerings

With as much competition around, one of the ways to grow your medical spa business is to offer products and services that aren’t easily found at other stores. A unique product offering has multiple benefits. At one end it allows you to create to niche clientele and at the other end you are never directly in competition. Thus, you don’t have to engage in a price war.

Automate your administrative processes

By now, we all know that running a spa involves dealing with multiple administrative processes behind the scenes. The administrative work ranges from booking an appointment to collecting customer feedback after treatment. In today’s world where people are hard pressed for time, doing this manually is a non-starter. Invest in a medical spa scheduling software and streamline your administrative processes. The advantages of using a medical spa software to run your processes far outweighs its cost of acquisition. By deploying technology not only do you save time and money but also you can run a lean enterprise.

Strategize Your Display

The job of your display to grab the attention of the viewer. When a potential client walks in, the first thing that meets the eye is the display. The products and services follow thereafter. Your display should be able to capture the imagination of the client and appeal to them. Consider experimenting with themes, colours, mood lighting etc. Since the services offered by the medical spa are mostly elective procedures, a lot of clients will have apprehension about such procedures. A warm and relaxing atmosphere will help allay their fears.

Train Your Team

Your cosmetologist and your technicians are central to your medical spa. It is their skills that ensures that your business is patronized by both new and old clients. It is important that your team is professionally trained and have the required certifications.Consider displaying the certifications of your team members prominently in the store.It will help build confidence in the clients that they’re in safe hands. Aside from the technical skills that your team has, you must also ensure that they have adequate soft skills. Teach them how to interact with customers, understand their fears and work towards removing them. Encourage them to build a personal connect. Doing so, ensures a good client experience so that the clients keep coming back and helps your team to upsell additional services. In order to know more about client experience, we recommend reading our post on How Medical Spa Software Elevates Patient Experience

Deploy a Performance Management System

While training will help your employees to learn how to handle clients and situations, setting sales target will give them a direction to utilize the acquired skills. In order for the team to be highly effective, it is important that they work towards their individual and collective targets. Furthermore, a weekly or a monthly performance management system can help keep your employees motivated. If you’re wondering as to how you can have a fair and honest performance assessment system, look no further than a medical spa software. The software helps automate the process to compute fair and honest assessment. Moreover, employees can know the real time assessment of their performance. As is with any business, leaders must be rewarded and the laggards must be trained to improve.

Pair up with local businesses

A very interesting and organic way to promote your business is to collaborate with other local businesses. Consider a promo tie up with a local beauty salon and promote each other’s businesses at your stores. Doing so will accord higher visibility to both businesses. To make the process rewarding consider giving a one-time discount to the clients that are referred to your business through your partner business.

Have an online presence

This is 21st century. If your business doesn’t have an online presence, its existence is questionable. With increasing number of people looking for information at their fingertips, it is imperative that your medical spa have online presence. Google local business listing, webpage, app and social media pages, your business needs to exist everywhere such that people can reach you.

Targeted Marketing

A highly effective tool in growing your medical spa business is to run targeted marketing campaigns. Based on the client’s past purchase history, you can better understand a client’s profile and taste such that you can offer them services that will have a higher chance of acceptability. One of the ways to conduct targeted marketing is by deploying a medical spa software to run advanced data analytics on the client’s records to provide suggestions. Some of the popular medical spa software such as Zenoti has an inbuilt marketing module which routinely analyses the sales data to come up with ideas for targeted marketing campaigns.

Loyalty Program

A highly effective way of retaining clients and keep them coming again and again, is to run a loyalty program. Good and accurate programs will encourage customers to visit repeatedly as they know they will get additional benefits. As a result, you will have a steady stream of regular clients, who keep patronizing the business.  In order to know more about loyalty programs, we recommend reading our post on “How to Drive Client Loyalty for Your Medical Spa Business”

Give back to the Community One of the established ways to increase visibility of your business is by offering free workshops or talk shows either once a month or once every two months. At such events, you can have your team exhibit their skills by offering free services to people. It is a way to show your own and your team’s knowledge, grasp of the subject and create awareness. During talk shows, you can take Q&A sessions from people to allay their concerns.
