Does Smoking Sativa Weed Make People More Creative?

The latest buzz in the weed industry is related to the deep connection between sativa weed and enhanced creativity level of the brain. A recent study published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition suggested that weed smokers outperformed non-smokers in terms of creativity. Especially, writers who suffer from writer’s block find great enhancement in their creativity level through divergent thinking with the regular use of Cannabis Sativa or best sativa strains. Though science has already proved the medical marijuana sativa benefits but this creativity study is the latest research in this area. So, now let’s quickly explore the deep connection between weed and writing.

  1.    Effect on Mental Emotions

Many top and successful writers, musicians, performers, and artists believe and feel that smoking weed helps them to perform better. Their mind starts seeing the world with a whole new level of lens that helps them to outperform every time. Their negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and jealousy seem to evaporate quickly and replaced with a smooth flow of creative thoughts. Earlier, all these types of emotions and experience associated with the use of weed were considered the imagination of hippies. But now, modern science is approving its true facts.

  1.    Divergent Thinking and Convergent Thinking

It has been investigated by many top scientific researchers that there is a strong link between cannabis and creativity. According to the latest study of scientists, there is a quite lack of research on the effect of weed on creativity. This is because even for most of the top excelled scientists of the world, creativity is a thing that is very hard to understand in a real manner. A recent study on convergent thinking and divergent thinking has proved the effect of weed on creativity. It was found that the controlled used of weed increased the verbal fluency in participants by increasing divergent thinking.

  1.    Experimentation and Micro-Dosing

The real key to enriching the creativity level in writing, singing or any other creative task is self-experimentation. There is no specific fixed rule in the use and doing of weed as the results greatly vary from person to person. The best approach that most of the people trying out these days is the use of different doses and weed strains. By self-experimenting for a specific time period, then they see what works for them best. Mostly, it is seen and advised to take micro-dosing of weed without being too intoxicated with weed.

  1.    Strains

If you have never experimented with weed and new to this process, then it is best to use sativa strains.  Strains come with high CBD level and mild THC level that are perfect for right kind of effect on mind and body as well. You can go for either Euphoria strain or indica-dominant autoflowering strain that works best to activate creative side of mind. A very little amount of dose on a daily basis will surely provide you with a clear-headed experience. Sativa Strains works best to elevate mood and offer a quite unique flavor.

On the Ending Note

It is highly advised to buy only premium-quality cannabis sativa or medical marijuana sativa from a well-recognized company to get the best results. In addition, keeping control on the use of dose is highly important to effectively activate your creative senses.
